Ibn Rushd (Averroes) - The Guardian of the Philoso

4 · 13 min · 2021

HD Ibn Rushd (Averroes) - The Guardian of the Philoso

#philosophy #islam #history
Abu al-Walid Muhammad bin Ahmad Ibn Rushd, better known as Ibn Rushd or Averroes in the West, was an Arab jurist and philosopher who rose to prominence in the 12th century during the Muslim rule of Spain (known as Al-Andalus). Born in the Spanish town of Cordoba, Ibn Rushd would be celebrated as a fierce defender of neo-Platonic philosophy, against the critiques of philosopher and theologian Al-Ghazali.

Writing the seminal "Incoherence of the Incoherence", Ibn Rushd's work would attract much attention as he defended the philosophical coherence of particular neo-Platonic doctrines. Although not as well known for his philosophical work in the Muslim world today, Ibn Rushd would be massively influential in Europe and the Catholic world, heavily influencing western artists and thinkers, such as Dante Alighieri, Raphael and Thomas Aquinas.

  • ستارے: Ibn Rushd (Averroes) - The Guardian of the Philosophers


  • پروڈیوسر: OASES OF WISDOM

  • مناظر: 12

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